Saturday, September 06, 2008

Smoked Salmon on a Budget

Many consider smoked salmon to be a very great tasting treat that is too expensive for the budget of the average person. Until recently most people only got to experience the rich taste of high quality smoked fish at expensive brunches or fancy dinner parties. Now, thanks to the internet, it is possible to find a wide variety of salmon gifts online without going outside of your budget.

The first thing that comes to mind when most people think of smoked salmon is lox. Lox is the word used to refer to a salmon fillet that is being served cold. Cold salmon that has been smoked might not sound particularly appetizing to most people but it is a delicious treat. Lox can be added to the breakfast or brunch table to help celebrate a birthday, holiday, or special event.
Some people think that lox is too ordinary a food to be considered appropriate for a gourmet gift basket. Instead of giving up on the idea of giving the gift of a gourmet salmon gift basket instead expand upon the variety of items contained in the gift basket. Lox is not the only type of smoked salmon available that can be used as a gift. Salmon jerky is a delicious snack food that is great for an elegant picnic or lunch.
There are many different types of smoked salmon that are now available and can be ordered through the Internet. The less expensive type of salmon that is more commonly seen is the type of salmon that has been farm raised. The salmon used to make farm raised smoked salmon has been raised in a controlled environment solely for consumption. It is usually a bit fattier and because is usually the more affordable variety of smoked salmon.
The other type of smoked salmon that is available is the type that is made using wild salmon. Wild salmon is the type of salmon that has been caught traditionally. This salmon has been allowed to breed and migrate naturally and consuming wild salmon is considered to be better for the environment. It also is widely reputed to have the better taste. Wild salmon that has been smoked has a great flavor and is leaner making it healthier for the consumer.
In addition to choosing between wild and farm raised salmon consumers must also choose between Alaskan and Atlantic salmon. For many who consume smoked salmon on a regular basis there is no contest. Alaskan salmon is considered to be the better choice. Alaskan salmon that has been smoked produces a vibrant color. In addition to have a beautiful color it has a richer taste and there are many varieties of Alaskan salmon available for smoking.
If deciding between the options is impossible why not purchasing custom made smoked salmon gift basket? This will give any curious consumer the chance to sample different types of salmon and the items that has been prepared by smoking. Taste some farm raised lox, a bit of wild smoked salmon jerky, and everything else that seems interesting without breaking the bank.

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