The coining of the word "agave" is due to the botanical classification of Linnaeus, who took up the Greek word "agavus" which means admirable, distinguished. Hence, often has given to terms such as agave plant gentle, graceful and distinguished.
There is evidence of the use of agave as a source of agave nectar and tequila from Mexican indigenous people, this is what tells Hernán Cortés to Charles V in one of his letters, speaking about the market in Mexico City, which literally says "... sell corn molasses, which are as mellow as sugar and honey from a plant called maguey is better than syrup, and these plants make sugar and wine that also sell ...." (Report and Collection of Articles ... 1875: T. II: 79)
"The tree of wonders is the maguey that new or chapetones (as in India are called) often write miracles, which gives water and wine and oil and vinegar, and honey and syrup and thread, needle, and hundred other things. The tree is estimated that in New Spain many of the Indians, and usually have in your room or some of this genre to help your life, and is given in the fields and crops. " (1590: 289).
Syrup Process
Agave Syrup is produced from the extraction of sugars from the agave as inulin.
Inulin polysaccharides are a group of naturally produced by many types of plants.
Belong to a class of fibers known as fructans. Inulin is used by some plants as a way of storing energy and is typically found in roots or rhizomes. Most plants which synthesize and store inulin do not store other materials such as starch (Wikipedia).
This polysaccharide is composed mostly of chains of fructose and some glucose chains, these passes through the hydrolysis is prolonged heating leaving separate fructose and some glucose in juice mixture.
This is why the Agave nectar is composed mostly of fructose and some glucose
Characteristics of honey
It tastes very fresh attempt, allowing you to sweeten your tea or preparations with a small amount.
It′s a natural product.
It is widely used by people with diabetes. Elvira Sandoval said that fructose (made from the agave syrup) is a nutritive sugar substitute because it provides energy to the body and is absorbed by it. So also says that there are no contraindications to its use.
It has a lower glycemic index so it helps control appetite, resulting in diets help but to be a carbohydrate you add calories to the body what to consume in moderation.
Because of its composition, price and performance is an element used in cooking, baking, preparation of drinks and sweets among other things.
You can use it instead of Maple syrup and corn syrup to sweet your food.
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