Monday, September 26, 2011

FREE Popular Filipino Food Spices and Condiments Tips - their simplicity

Filipino are known for their simplicity when it comes for preparing food, traditionally Filipino uses simple food spices and seasoning when preparing food. Now days, everything are changed, as I always seen on TV different spices that are being used by Filipino chef which are not familiar for traditional Filipino food. Here is some condiments and seasoning that traditionally use by Filipino cook.

Patis : Patis (fish sauce), it is traditional Filipino food flavoring from fermented fish, and it is a liquid that arises during the process for fermentation when preparing bagoong. It is usually use when sautéing recipe such as for tinola or sinampalukan manok or for other Filipino recipe.

Bagoong: Bagoong is a popular Filipino condiments, it is a fermented fish or small shrimp (alamang) for food flavoring. It is widely use as a taste enhancer when cooking vegetable such as Pakbet and Diningding, it is also a popular side dish for Kare kare, a delicious Filipino beef stew recipe. It is also used as a dipping for raw mango, sauce for fried fish when vinegar is added. Bagoong is usually a by product for some seaside municipality in the Philippines, It is also popular in Visayan region and locally known as Guinamos.

Rock salt : Because Philippines is an archipelago country and surrounded by seas and ocean, rock salt has become the common condiments in Filipino food. It is used to add salt and to preserve food.

Vinegar : Vinegar, locally known as suka is also widely used in Philippines. Filipinos are known for their affection with salty and sour food which are typical for people living on nearby sea. Vinegar is widely use as preservative or as an additive for Filipino sour food recipe, among them are kinilaw and paksiw na isda.

Soy Sauce: Originally, it was the Chinese that introduce soy sauce as additive when preparing. I just read an article that say that before Filipino are cooking adobo with white sauce because they uses salt instead of soy sauce that are widely used now. Among the uses of soy sauce is for marinating pork and chicken, we usually use soy sauce with lemon or calamansi to enhance flavor when frying chicken or pork.

Vetsin or Monosodiumglutamate : Vetsin was widely used in the Philippines to balance flavor of the food, I just heard news that vetsin has a negative side effect with people’s health but I also heard that there is no concrete basis for such accusation. As far as I remember, my mother uses vetsin ever since that I was a kid but until now at my early 40’s I haven’t feel the side effect that they are talking about.

Those flavoring mentioned above just a partial list of Filipino condiments, it is widely used until now by average and simple Filipino family.

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