Monday, October 27, 2008

Free Tips on Israeli Breakfast

sraelis like their breakfast. While the term "breakfast" is identical worldwide, an Israeli breakfast is slightly different from what you had in mind. This article will try to provide you with more details about what an Israeli breakfast is all about.
Fresh Vegetables are everywhere
Israel is blessed with a variety of fresh vegetables. As such, you will find sliced fresh vegetables on every breakfast table. It might be a 5 star luxury hotel or a plain bed & breakfast motel, all of them will serve you some fresh vegetable salad or "Israeli salad" as we would like to call it for breakfast.

An Israeli salad will consist mostly of tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, and some spice herbs like parsley or coriander. Unlike an "American" salad – this salad needs no dressing what so ever; if you insist you might use some pure olive oil as a dressing for a perfect salad.
Breakfast portions are huge
This probably relates to the Hebrew/Jewish mentality and the breakfast portions are simply too big. If you are not aware of that you will find yourself eating more than needed and that might lead you to gain some extra pounds during your stay in Israel. Take your time, this is only breakfast, and during the rest of the day you will find out that Israeli street food is even better, so you should save some room and appetite for it.
No meat please!
For various reasons it is almost impossible to find any meat in any breakfast in Israel. a "Kosher" kitchen will need to separate between dairy products and meat products, so unless "English breakfast" is explicitly specified, don't expect to find breakfast in Israel with any kind of meat.
Breakfasts around the clock
many places in Israel are now serving breakfasts around the clock. It is not unusual to see people eating their breakfast at 2:00 pm or later, you just need to ask for it as this is a very popular meal and Israelis tend to eat it at late morning hours and evenings as well.
Something for everybody
It really depends where are you going to eat your breakfasts in Israel, but you should expect a huge variety of food on any breakfast table. If the breakfast is a continental breakfast, it will consist of coffee, juice, toast, jam, honey, and a pastry of your choice.
If this is an "Israeli breakfast" you will mostly find coffee, orange juice, fresh vegetables salad, goats/cows cream cheese, fresh bread or toast, olives, butter, and fried eggs of your choose.
If you are staying in a luxury hotel you will find that on top of the regular variety you can expect some fish, cereals, and many kinds of different dairy products as they are very popular in Israel. All in all – there is something for everybody in any Israeli breakfast.

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