Saturday, October 25, 2008

Lactose-Free Cooking

Along with 30-50 million Americans, I am lactose intolerant. My digestive system cannot break down the milk sugar, lactose, that is found in dairy products.
As the undigested lactose passes through the small intestine into the colon, bacteria found in the gut break it down, releasing in the process gases, hydrogen and/or methane. These gases are responsible for the uncomfortable symptoms that a lactose intolerant individual might be experiencing after eating dairy products: abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, gas, diarrhea, and even bad breath!

For most people, lactose intolerance develops over time, thus symptoms are subtle. For some though, the onset of symptoms can be acute. Whatever the case, eliminating lactose from the diet may present a challenge.
As I developed lactose intolerance a few years ago, I quickly learned that I have to give up my favorite foods in order to be symptom free. Milk gave me gas, after eating sour cream I would wake up in the middle of the night with abdominal pain, yogurt would leave me bloated for days, so I reached for soy products. After having tried several types of soy milk, and other soy products that are not even close in taste to the real thing, I was ready to just give in and stop enjoying creamy rich and delicious dishes.
One day, one of my co-writer told me that she had enjoyed being lactose-free for a while and has modified many of her favorite recipes so that they do not contain milk, but taste as if almost nothing changed! She teamed up with a nurse practitioner to write a cookbook with a collection of rich and creamy lactose-free recipes.
That's how "Lactose-free and loving it!" was created. This cookbook has a splendid selection of lactose-free recipes, so that you can fully enjoy scrumptious meals and delightful desserts again, even lactose-free ice cream!

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